Started to study Coursera Machine Learning course by Stanford Univ.

Started studying machine learning

I started studying mchine learning.

I have been studied it by a book, but I felt I need to study from the beginning.

I can get the certificate of the course if I pay 89 US dollar.

I knew this course has very good reputation, and I read the post from @shu223 and he recommended this course. so that I started this course.

I had been thinking that I’ll do someday, but I thought “it’s now” and enrolled.

Stanford Machine Learning Course

Just 2 weeks has passed

It’s just 2 weeks though, I write down here what I thought.

  • The Quiz are very nice to check my understanding
  • There’s assignments that I need to write a code and submit
  • The teacher Mr. Ng encourage me very much. He says like, it’s not problem even if you are not familiar with the derivative, like that.
  • In Discussion forum, there are a lot of questions and supporters.

I recommend!

Mr. Ng he always explain intuitive way at first, and the detailed calculation second. So I can get the image with intuition so it helps to understand the calculation.

It has 11 weeks in total, so I have 9 weeks left. I’ll try my best!

You can watch the video without any fee if you don’t need the certificate, so let’s give it a try :)

Stanford Machine Learning Program
